Staffordshire Figurine “Young Highland Boy Standing by a Sheep” C. 1860

Mid 19th century Staffordshire porcelain figurine depicts a Scotitsh highlander young boy standing next to an oversized sheep. He is dressed in typical formal garb wearing a green, white, and orange kilt; a navy blue jacket and a formal feathered headdress. The lamb is textured to simulate his fur. Colors are crisp and not faded; while there is crazing throughout indicating 19th century period Staffordshire manufacture. There is a long craze line to the rear; it is not a crack—only penetrates the glaze (see image). All original condition with no restoration; genuine and authentic quality article of English Staffordshire.
Dimensions: 2.5″ deep x 5″ wide x 8″ high

Origin: English, Circa 1860 c.

H: 8" W: 5" D: 2 1/2"